
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hello everyone! It's been a long time. Things are always super busy and hectic for me. I haven't had time to keep posting like I wanted to. I am hoping to change that and spend a lot more time on my photography and visiting small town Indiana.

I have created a Facebook page to go along with this blog. I hope the two together will get the word out there about the interesting things small towns have.

The Facebook page will have some of my older pictures for now but eventually I will have newer stuff to post. I have a lot of pictures I need to get web ready, just haven't had the time to work on them.

For those that don't know, I am self-employed in child care and work a 55 hour week. I also have parents who are getting up there in age and an aunt that I try to visit and spend time with. So, with all I have going on, it's hard to find a time to get out there.

My friend Angie and I call it a "peace day" when we finally find time to meet up and just enjoy the slow pace of a small town, the fresh smell of country air and the beautiful old buildings we find along the backroads.

I hope you all enjoy our adventures as well! Please "like" us on facebook.

And as always..if you know of a small town we should visit let us know!

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Do you live in a small town and want me to visit? Feel free to leave me a message! Have you been to the small town I blogged about? What was your experience? None of the above? - Feel free to comment.